Output: Big Text
Code: <blockquote>Here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation.</blockquote>
Here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation here is a long quotation.
Code: <br />
Code: <button type="button">Click Me!</button>
Output: Code: <center>Centered Text</center>
Centered Text
Code: <em>Emphasized text</em>
Output: Emphasized text Code: <strong>Strong text</strong>
Output: Strong text Code: <dfn>Definition term</dfn>
Output: Definition term
Code: <code>Computer code text</code>
Output: Computer code text Code: <samp>Sample computer code text</samp>
Output: Sample computer code text Code: <kbd>Keyboard text</kbd>
Output: Keyboard text Code: <var>Variable</var>
Output: Variable Code: <tt>teletype text</tt>
Output: teletype text Code: <cite>Citation</cite>
Output: Citation
Code: <dl><dt>Coffee</dt><dd>- black hot drink</dd><dt>Milk</dt><dd>- white cold drink</dd></dl>
- black hot drink
- white cold drink
Code: My favorite color is <del>blue</del> <ins>red</ins>
Output: My favorite color is blue red
Code: <fieldset><legend>A Legend:</legend>Luke Skywalker</fieldset>
Strada della Genovesa, 31/e, Verona,
0458569555 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Strada della Genovesa, 31/e Verona,
0458569555 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Contatti